Great healthcare and life sciences supply chain leadership - filling the hands that heal!
Last mile logistics is an integral part of this process, playing a major role in ensuring customer satisfaction and keeping costs low.
Make better decisions for your business or organization when it comes to logistics management in the era of Industry 4.0.
Green Supply Chain Design (GSCD) is developing interest as a competitive strategy in healthcare delivery system supply chain modeling. GSCD offers an escape from the traditional one-way flow of materials and opens up new value chains that capture efficiencies and…Continue Reading
The emergence of a new healthcare consumer Making the scene are newly empowered healthcare consumers, who demand a better quality of personalized care, lower cost, greater transparency, and don’t mind playing a role in managing the overall value of their…Continue Reading
Imagine sitting down in a conference room and being able to take stock of the reaction of the room to the presentation material, knowing who is working on what high-impact initiatives and how the seating arrangement is building informal cliques…Continue Reading
Having trouble making lasting transformation? Here are the keys to successful change-based management initiatives. Resistance to change may be active or passive, overt or covert, individual or organized, aggressive or timid and on occasions totally justified. Sadly, most significant change…Continue Reading
A viable Accounts Payable and Supply Chain collaboration can strengthen cost management, reduce process complexity, minimize the risks associated with routine transaction processing and enhance vendor contract compliance. With a range of 1 percent to 5 percent of value lost…Continue Reading
Here are my 5 quick hits for quickly transforming your supply chain team into a model of high productivity and service. Quick Hit #1: Conduct a time study and analysis of the order fulfillment process: Concentrating a micro-campaign on order fulfillment…Continue Reading
“Every threat to the status quo is an opportunity in disguise.” Jay Samit There is often substantial value mining success in the disruption of the status quo. This concept is demonstratively tactile in reference to contract term review. Here are five…Continue Reading
Today organizations are looking to aggressively manage energy costs, reduce effective emissions of greenhouse gasses, and put less burden on environmental quality. As supply chain leaders in contemporary healthcare and life sciences organizations we are in a great position to…Continue Reading